TCP/IP or Transmission Control Protocol(TCP) and Internet Protocol(IP) is an addressing system needed to deliver packets of information to your computer.   All computers that connect to a network has to have a TCP/IP address or IP address for short.   Data is broken up into small packets of information and the addresses of borth the reciving and sending computer is attached to each packet.   It like mailing a letter to your friend you have to have a sending address and the address it is going too, but not all people put there address also known as the return address on the letter in computer terms this can be called a Proxy.   It would be nearly impossible to trace the letter or information back to you, now I am not saying it is imposible with some of the technology we have these days.  

An IP address contains for sets of number followed by periods


Each part of the address directs the packet of data along its way, almost like an address


201. indicates the state you computer is in

46. indicates the city

197. indicates the street or building you computer is in

112. indicates the computer you are using

As you can tell, it is like an address




1711 DC Dr.


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